Join Us at the 2021 TEI Annual Conference
Special Offer for TEI Members
We will waive the first-year license fee for the International Tax Form Module (e-fileable forms) for all new VantagePoint licensees.
Expires December 31, 2021.
October 26th
Presentation @ 2pm EDT
Vendor Booth
Moderator: Ms. Katrina H. Welch
Speakers: Dr. George L. Salis, LLM, PhD, CBE; Mr. Mark Gasbarra; Ms. Alexis C. Bergman
02:00pm – 03:00pm Eastern – October 26, 2021 | Room: Osceola D
As tax regimes have gotten increasingly complex and integrated so too has the critically important task of modeling their financial impacts. Hard lessons learned in late-night modeling sessions concerning TCJA planning and implementation spurred significant interest among TEI members seeking a better way to design and build tax models. This session brings together a diverse group of leading tax and technology professionals to share experiences, offer insights and inform participants of advances in building financial models. Our panelists will engage in an interactive dialogue, covering topics, such as situations in which tax models are useful and how decision-makers use them; different approaches for creating tax models and when to use them; how and when tax modeling should be automated; decision-points to consider when deciding upon a modeling approach; and resources for tax modeling.
At the conclusion of this course, participants should:
- Understand when tax models are useful and how decision-makers use them
- Be aware of different approaches for creating tax models and when to use the different approaches
- Understand how and when tax modeling should be automated
- Identify decision-points to consider when deciding upon a modeling approach
- Be aware of different resources for tax modeling
We are pleased to offer thought leadership at a time when international tax is more complicated than ever.
Repatriation Modeling Webinar
Special 3-Hour Session
December 8, 2021
1:00 PM – 4:00 PM Central Time
The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (“TCJA”) dramatically changed the U.S. income tax treatment of the repatriation of foreign earnings. Now, even though IRC Section 245A allows a 100% Dividends Received Deduction (“DRD”) on dividend remittances to corporate shareholders, much of those earnings will have already been subject to U.S. income tax under either the GILTI or Subpart F regime. As a result, many distributions will be out of previously taxed earnings and profits (“PTEP”).
In this session, special attention is paid to the long-established distribution ordering rules prescribed by IRC Section 959 and the Treasury Regulations thereunder. We also explain how those rules have been modified as a result of the Section 965 transition tax and the creation of multiple PTEP accounts and the priority given to Section 965 PTEP accounts within each of the Section 959 layers. PTEP distributions can result in significant foreign exchange gains and losses, and foreign tax credits may be allowed on any additional foreign taxes incurred on PTEP distributions, subject to complex requirements.
During this webinar we will walk participants through the impact of these rules, both by an analysis of the regulation examples, as well as performing how-to-model calculations using Forte’s VantagePoint software.
Learning Objectives:
Understand the distribution ordering rules outlined in IRC Section 959 and the special adjustments relating to Section 965 PTEP Accounts.
Understand how additional income taxes paid on previously taxed income are available for foreign tax credit purposes.
Understand the importance of repatriation modeling for income tax provision purposes.
Discuss how each of the tax requirements is reported on the related international tax forms.
Program Field of Study: Taxes
Program Level: Intermediate
# of CPE credits: Three (3)