GloBE Meets GILTI Webinar
Upcoming Events
2025 IFA Annual Conference
Sponsor & Presenter
“Traps for the unwary”
This panel will discuss a broad array of transactions/issue relating to international M&A (961c, PTEP, DCLs, inversions), PFICs, FIRPTA and potentially certain treaty issues.
Michael Cornett, Forvis
Elena Madaj, Branch 4 of the Office of the Associate Chief Counsel (International) at the IRS (invited)
David Merrick, Forte International Tax
Michael Miller, Roberts & Holland
Laura Williams, PwC
More Information
6th Annual International Tax Boot Camp
Upcoming Online Workshop
April 28 – May 2
6th Annual International Tax Boot Camp
Presented by Forte International Tax, Forvis Mazars, and McDermott Will & Emery
Up to 20 CPE. Early Bird registration is open until March 15th.
This workshop is designed to keep international tax professionals up to date with the latest provision and compliance requirements and the impact of proposed global tax initiatives, including Pillar Two.
We will be using an Integrated Case Study combined with technical presentations to do a deep dive into International Tax, with an emphasis on practical content you can implement right away in your own work.
Please contact Allison with any questions. Clients – please check your email or reach out for your discount code.
Day 1 | Monday, April 28th
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Introduction & Case Study Overview
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Core E&P
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DREs & Partnerships
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Treas. Reg. 1.861-8 Part I
Day 2 | Tuesday, April 29th
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Subpart F Income
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GILTI and High-Tax Income Elections
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Tax Forms 8858, 5471, 8865
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Treas. Reg. 1.861-8 Part II
Day 3 | Wednesday, April 30th
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Export Incentives: FDII & IC-DISC
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Forms 8992 and 8993
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Foreign Tax Credit
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IRC 163(j)
Day 4 | Thursday, May 1st
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Form 1118
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Forms 8990, 8991, 4626
Day 5 | Friday, May 2nd
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CbCR and Pillar Two Transitional Safe Harbor
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Pillar Two Computations and the GIR
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Repatriation and APB23
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Recap Integrated Case Study
More Information
2025 ACT Annual Conference
Sponsor & Presenter
May 19-21, 2025 | Sheraton Music City, Nashville, TennesseeMore Information
Insights & Press
VantagePoint™ performs comprehensive global tax calculations, including GILTI, FDII, FTC and BEAT in real-time.
Forte has a customized approach utilizing VantagePoint that ranges from consulting engagements to a full license of the software.
"With passage of the tax reform legislation, there were many new provisions, including GILTI, FDII, BEAT, and 163(j), that needed to be dealt with...[VantagePoint] was pretty far advanced and ready to go."

“With passage of the tax reform legislation, there were many new provisions, including GILTI, FDII, BEAT, and 163(j), that needed to be dealt with…[VantagePoint] was pretty far advanced and ready to go.”
Check out the second installment of “Tax Technology Corner” where Tax Executive Institute explores how Forte helps multinationals solve today’s most complex tax challenges using VantagePoint™ Global Tax Software.
Mark Gasbarra writes on Global Tax Integration and the GILTI/FDII/FTC Interplay for the ACT Tax Tech eNews. Download a Copy
Forte combine international tax expertise in conjunction with the most advanced, versatile, and powerful global tax software tool in the industry.
Forte focus specifically on those areas of international taxation that have the greatest impact on U.S.-based multinationals and exporters.
VantagePoint™ provides a centralized data hub, which helps companies manage their global tax position throughout the year.