The most advanced international tax planning and forecasting tool.
Unlike traditional compliance software, VantagePoint focuses primarily on global tax optimization, achieving superior overall results.

The most advanced international tax planning and forecasting tool.
Unlike traditional compliance software, VantagePoint focuses primarily on global tax optimization, achieving superior overall results.
Easily Quantify the Impact of Change
Comprehensive & Fully Integrated
VantagePoint’s cloud-based platform makes it ideal for client teams and their advisors to collaborate on a real-time basis.

What-if Planning & Optimization
VantagePoint makes it easy to quantify changes in legal structure, entity classification, transfer pricing, and 861-8 methodology.
Side-by side comparison reports can be exported into Excel along with the related Audit Trail Reports.
Forecasting & Provision
VantagePoint is parameter driven, making it easy to adapt to new laws, such as for §250 and §163(j).
Get accurate results when time is limited, such as during provision analysis, multi-year forecasting, and acquisition planning.
VantagePoint Demo Booklet
Learn why clients are calling VantagePoint “a lifesaver” this past tax season in this detailed booklet, which illustrates and explains some of the most important features of the software.
The interdependence of the GILTI, FDII and Foreign Tax Credit calculations, together with a heightened focus on base erosion and transfer pricing, requires a far more sophisticated tool that is capable of adapting to a dynamic global tax environment.
VantagePoint provides a centralized data hub that simultaneously integrates transfer pricing analytics and comprehensive international tax calculations.
Improve Processes & Optimize Tax Savings
VantagePoint’s accelerated TCJA implementation plan provides the client with a side-by-side comparison, reconciling with their provisional estimates.
Using a single integrated global tax database, clients can run multiple “what-if” scenarios to fully refine and optimize their overall results, including GILTI and FDII.
- Global Intangible Income
- Foreign Earnings & Profits
- Foreign Tax Credit
- Transfer Pricing, BEPS & BEAT
- Tax Forms
- Global Tax Analytics
Modeling your own information in VantagePoint is the best way to demonstrate its value.
Global Tax Analytics
Simply perform “what-if” analysis on any number of alternative scenarios.
E-file Forms
VantagePoint’s e-fileable international tax forms are IRS-approved and compatible with tax compliance
Form 1118
Form 1118 Regular
Form 1118 Schedule I
Form 1118 Schedule J
Form 1118 Schedule K
Form 1120
Form 1120 Schedule G
Form 1120 Schedule M-3
Form 1120 Schedule N
Form 1120-IC-DISC
Form 1120-IC-DISC Schedule K
Form 1120-IC-DISC Schedule P
Form 1120-IC-DISC Schedule Q
Form 4562
Form 4797
Form 5471
Form 5471 Schedule E
Form 5471 Schedule H
Form 5471 Schedule I-1
Form 5471 Schedule J
Form 5471 Schedule M
Form 5471 Schedule O
Form 5471 Schedule P
Form 5472
Form 5713
Form 5713 Schedule A
Form 5713 Schedule B
Form 5713 Schedule C
Form 8404
Form 8594
Form 8621
Form 8832
Form 8833
Form 8858
Form 8858 Schedule M
Form 8865
Form 8865 Schedule G
Form 8865 Schedule H
Form 8865 Schedule K-1
Form 8865 Schedule O
Form 8865 Schedule P
Form 8886
Form 8903
Form 8975
Form 8975 Schedule A
Form 8990
Form 8991
Form 8992
Form 8993
Form 926
Form 965
Form 965 Schedule A
Form 965 Schedule B
Form 965 Schedule C
Form 965 Schedule D
Form 965 Schedule E
Form 965 Schedule F
Form 965 Schedule G
Form 965 Schedule H
Form 965-B
Access and Control
Benefit from unlimited system access throughout the implementation process.
Client-Driven Service
Whether a client has access to VantagePoint through a consulting engagement or a full license, Forte customizes its service level to meet each client’s specific objectives.
Data Security
SOC 1 Type 2
SOC Type 2

Global Tax Analytics
Simply perform “what-if” analysis on any number of alternative scenarios.
Access and Control
Benefit from unlimited system access throughout the implementation process.
E-file Forms
VantagePoint’s e-fileable international tax forms are IRS-approved and compatible with tax compliance
Client-Driven Service
Whether a client has access to VantagePoint through a consulting engagement or a full license, Forte customizes its service level to meet each client’s specific objectives.
Modeling your own information in VantagePoint is the best way to demonstrate its value.
Client-Driven, Customized Service
Forte customizes its service level to meet each client’s specific objectives. Some clients simply license the software and run independently after their initial implementation and training. Other clients prefer for the firm’s professionals to produce the desired deliverable on a turnkey basis. Yet others have Forte do most of the heavy lifting relating to specific deliverables, but want full access to VantagePoint for ad hoc planning and reporting.
Most frequent questions and answers
Forte combines international tax expertise in conjunction with the most advanced, versatile, and powerful global tax software tool in the industry.
Forte focuses specifically on those areas of international taxation that have the greatest impact on U.S.-based multinationals and exporters.
VantagePoint™ provides a centralized data hub, which helps companies manage their global tax position throughout the year.